Tag: health
Food Choices That Affect Acid / Alkaline Balance and Body Health
The typical American diet creates an acidic state in the body’s tissue fluids. This weakens the body’s defense systems increasing the chances of sickness and disease. The food chart below will help you know what foods cause acidity in the body and which cause more alkalinity. Try to shift 60-70% of your food choices to…
Childhood Vaccination Outcomes
Dr. Chappell, Chappell Chiropractic Wellness Center, Traverse City, MI discusses an article on /childhood vaccination outcomes. Research presented in this article from Health Freedom Alliance states that children who have been vaccinated are five times more prone to disease than unvaccinated children. For more health and wellness tips, visit https://chappellhealth.com
Cultured Vegetables for Allergies, Digestion and Gut & Immune System Health
Randy Schwartz of Heart-Lock Health Coaching discusses the health benefits of cultured vegetables with Dr. Greg Chappell of Chappell Chiropractic Wellness Center in Traverse City,MI. Randy relates how these fermented foods contain probiotics which can have a significant positive affect on gut and immune system health and reduce inflammatory conditions in the body. These positive…
Stress Reduction Through Meditation/Prayer
Health and wellness can be enhanced through stress reduction techniques such as meditation, prayer, or focused attention on a word, phrase, or object.
Epigenetics & Neural Image: The Key to Health & Wellness
Your state of health & wellness depend on how your lifestyle choices activate “switches” on the cell walls turning on or off gene potentials for healthy function or disease processes. Furthermore, how well the lifestyle signals get to the cells has major influence over genetic expression and perception and adaptation to our life stresses. One…
Stress reduction Through Progressive Muscular Techniqe
A technique of progressively contracting & relaxing muscles to release stored tension and stress for improved health and wellness.
Releasing Vital Health & Energy
This video brings forth thoughts on the dynamics of human function and how you can unleash your innate optimal health and energy.
Exercise Ball Used for a Ball Chair for Health Benefits
LINK TO BALL CHAIRS AND ACCESSORIES: http://amzn.to/qTp09E Using a ball chair will significantly reduce back strain and muscle tension resulting in low back pain, disc problems, fatigue, etc. In addition, the constant movement it encourages stimulates joint receptors that send impulses to the brain up-regulating different brain centers. These influence stress and anxiety control centers,…
Trackball Helps Relieve Carpal Tunnel, Tendonitis, Shoulder & Neck Pain
LINK FOR ORDERING TRACKBALL: http://amzn.to/oDB6Z9 The use of a trackball, if you are using a computer mouse on a regular basis during the day, is a good ergonomic choice. It can help reduce or eliminate repetitive strain or overuse injuries. These include carpal tunnel, finger numbness, hand numbness, elbow pain, tendonitis, shoulder pain, neck pain…