Category: General Health

  • Autism: Diet, Nutrition and Supplementation

    (Excerpted from Nourishing Hope) We believe that autism diet, nutrition and supplementation are fundamental to the health and healing of children with autism. Diets and other autism-specific nutrition essentials are applied as a complement to physician recommended medical treatments, behavioral and cognitive therapies. The most successful recovery stories as told by parents always include diet…

  • Nerves and Nutrition: Alternative Strategies for Dealing with ADD/ADHD

    Dr. Greg and Lyn Chappell Concern is growing around the escalating use of psycho stimulant drugs for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This is particularly true in Michigan as it ranks as one of the highest in the nation in Ritalin usage. Doris Rapp,M.D., author of “Is This Your Child?”…

  • Is Your Child Troubled or Gifted?

    Dr. Greg and Lyn Chappell Many of us are aware of the dangerous side effects and addictive qualities of Ritalin. Yet, every day, over a million and a half kids, labeled as A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. will line up for their midday dose. Why are 5-8% of our school age children on psycho stimulant drugs and…

  • Children with ADHD Medical vs. Chiropractic Perspective and Theory; Part 2

    (Reprinted from the August 2002 issue of the Journal of the American Chiropractic Association) By Nataliya V. Schetchikova, PhD ADHD and Diet While clinical evidence and small studies suggest that neurological and chiropractic treatment and optometric training may be effective in treating patients with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities by providing the…

  • Children with ADHD Medical vs. Chiorpractic Perspective and Theory; Part 1

    (Rreprinted from the July 2002 issue of the Journal of the American Chiropractic Association) By Nataliya V. Schetchikova, PhD Drug abuse is a horrifying subject for many American parents. But it has a special meaning for the parents of about 8 million children who are labeled with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. Government officials,…

  • Causes of ADHD-like symptoms (from S.A.N.T.A.- Stimulants Are Not The Answer) Identifying the underlying problems triggering ADHD-like behavior. · emotional problems · educational problems · lifestyle problems · nutritional problems · prescription drugs · drugs taken recreationally (including prescription drugs) · medical problems Emotional problems The range of emotional problems that can produce ADHD-like behavior is vast but often overlooked. For instance, infant trauma, formative though this experience can be in a…

  • Stress Reduction and Improved Immune Response from Airborne Plant Oils

    A walk in the woods can have a beneficial affect on your health. Airborne anti-microbial essential oils from plants and trees can have a positive effect on reducing stress reactions and improving immune response to bacteria and viruses. Research shows that these oils can reduce the negative effects of the stress hormones, cortisol and catecholamines,…

  • Health, Insurance & Medical Treatments – a Cause for Concern

    Health status of the United States continues to decline as chronic diseases and costs to treat them continue to rise. The Journal of the American Medical Association states that medical treatments rank as the third leading cause of death in the U.S. a harvard study showed that approximately 50% of all personal bankruptcies are due…

  • Organic Matcha Tea’s Health and Anti-Aging Benefits

    Join us with Angela Macke,R.N., founder of Light of Day Organics, as she discusses the numerous health and anti-aging benefits of organic Matcha tea. According to Angela, these include high ORAC / anti-oxidant qualities, can decrease inflammation and resultant metabolic syndrome, increases metabolic rate enhancing weight loss, and helps with focus and concentration. Proponents have…

  • Zumba Fitness for Core Strengthening, Cardio, Health & Wellbeing

    Zumba is a form of dance exercise done to latin music. It benefits the participant by strengthening core muscles, improving joint function of the knees and hips, improves cardiovascular function, and improves overall health and wellbeing. Thanks to Judith at Bodywise