Category: Special Needs Children
ADD/ADHD Resources
Recommended Reading: Carroll, Lee and Tober, Jan: The Indigo Children Rapp, Doris, M.D.: Is This Your Child, Is this your child?s world? Peiper, Howard N.D.: The A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. Diet Block, Mary Ann, D.O.: No More Ritalin Ullman, Robert, N.D., and Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, N.D. – Ritalin Free Kids Crook, William G., M.D.: The Yeast Connection,…
A Few Simple Truths About ADHD and Stimulant Drugs
Responses to Common Professional Statements Made to Parents About Their Children John Breeding – Doctors, mental health professionals, and educators often say things about “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” (ADHD) that are unproven. These same professionals often say things about drugs that are supposed to treat “ADHD” that are not true. This brochure reveals and responds…
Autism Websites
Food Additives & Flavor Enhancers That are Destroying Your Brain
Excitotoxins (flavor enhancers & artificial flavorings) can cause damage to your brain and nervous system. In children, these can cause behavioral and emotional problems such as ADD & ADHD. In adults, they can cause permanent neuro-degenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s, ALS, and Alzheimers.
Health, Sugar & Artificial Sweeteners
Consumption of sugar can seriously effect the function of the immune system’s ability to fight off sickness and disease. artificial sweeteners can have neuro-toxic effects on body function and your ability to manifest wellness.
New Study Implicates Environmental Factors in Autism By LAURIE TARKAN
A new study of twins suggests that environmental factors, including conditions in the womb, may be at least as important as genes in causingautism. The researchers did not say which environmental influences might be at work. But other experts said the new study, released online on Monday, marked an important shift in thinking about the…
Improvement in Autism with Chiropractic – a Case Study
A case study appearing in the July 5, 2010 issue of the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health, documented the case of a 6 year old boy who was diagnosed with Autism by a neurologist, and was helped by chiropractic care. According to the case study authors, autism is defined as a brain development…
Autism Research
Case Report: autism, otitis media. Khorshid K. ICA Review Fall 2001 This is the case of Victoria, a 3-year-old girl diagnosed with autism, who also suffered from serous otitis media and hearing difficulty. The girl had speech and communication deficits and was considered to be at 9-12 month level of development. An ENT specialist suggested…
Autism Contacts
Autism Resource Network 267 Waxwing Drive Traverse City, MI 49686 231 668 7394 Contact: Marlowe Franklin Autism Society of Michigan 1213 Center Street Suite B Lansing, MI 48906 517 882 2800 800 223 6722 Fax: 517 882 2816 Contact: President Carolyn Gammicchia Michigan The Autistic Children’s Treatment Network, in…
Writing May Be on Wall for Ritalin
By Kelly Patricia O?Meara A lawsuit challenging the validity of the science behind mental illness and psychotropic drugs will have repercussions for drug makers as well as for the mental-health establishment. Hardly a mention was made in the national media concerning the class-action lawsuit filed in May by the Dallas law firm of Waters…