Category: Nutrition
Cultured Vegetables for Allergies, Digestion and Gut & Immune System Health
Randy Schwartz of Heart-Lock Health Coaching discusses the health benefits of cultured vegetables with Dr. Greg Chappell of Chappell Chiropractic Wellness Center in Traverse City,MI. Randy relates how these fermented foods contain probiotics which can have a significant positive affect on gut and immune system health and reduce inflammatory conditions in the body. These positive…
Fluoride Bad for Your Teeth & Health
The Jour. of American Dental Association and the Center for Disease Control now are saying that fluoride is bad for your teeth. It can also have devastating health effects due to it’s source being primarily industrial waste products.
Food Additives & Flavor Enhancers That are Destroying Your Brain
Excitotoxins (flavor enhancers & artificial flavorings) can cause damage to your brain and nervous system. In children, these can cause behavioral and emotional problems such as ADD & ADHD. In adults, they can cause permanent neuro-degenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s, ALS, and Alzheimers.
Health, Sugar & Artificial Sweeteners
Consumption of sugar can seriously effect the function of the immune system’s ability to fight off sickness and disease. artificial sweeteners can have neuro-toxic effects on body function and your ability to manifest wellness.
Apple Cider Vinegar for Coughs & Colds
Alternative care for symptoms of cough, colds and upper respiratory issues
Is Your Child Troubled Or Gifted?
Dr. Greg and Lyn Chappell Many of us are aware of the dangerous side effects and addictive qualities of Ritalin. Yet, every day, over a million and a half kids, labeled as A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. will line up for their midday dose. Why are 5-8% of our school age children on psycho stimulant drugs and…
Dietary Considerations for Challenged Children
Excerpted from The ADD & ADHD Diet By Rachel Bell and Dr. Howard Peiper Eat as many raw foods and organic as possible. Food Sensitivities Avoid all foods that provoke an allergic reaction. Discovering what individual foods may be causing your or your child’s problems, you can do an Elimination Diet at home. Common dietary…
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder And The Triad Of Health
Excerpted form Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics Volume 1, No. 2, 1996, Barnes, Tracy A., D.C. Objective: To examine alternative, non-pharmacological treatment options for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?. Method: ADHD has been estimated to affect approximately 3.5 million American children. The primary medical treatment involves the prescription of the psychostimulant drug methylphenidate (Ritalin).…
High Performance Health & Learning For Our Children
For those of us with children it won’t be long before our thoughts and activities will center around preparations for school. It’s up to the school system to “educate” our children. It’s up to us to provide our child with a healthy state of being within which they can maximize their educational experience. What we…
A Healthy Start For A Healthy Future
Dr. Greg & Lyn Chappell A seedling needs good soil, water, sunlight, and nutrients to grow a healthy plant. Likewise, your child needs good nutrition, water, air, love, elimination/reduction of toxic elements, and an uninterrupted flow of nerve signals, to name a few, for healthy growth and development. A baby is a vast bundle of…