Category: Nutrition

  • Food Choices That Affect Acid / Alkaline Balance and Body Health

    The typical American diet creates an acidic state in the body’s tissue fluids. This weakens the body’s defense systems increasing the chances of sickness and disease. The food chart below will help you know what foods cause acidity in the body and which cause more alkalinity. Try to shift 60-70% of your food choices to…

  • MSG -Like Food Additives Bad For Your Health

    Excitotoxins are flavor enhancers that fool the brain to make you think the food tastes better. According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon, they can be very toxic to the body. Check the list out below and READ LABELS of the food you are buying!

  • Lifestyle Assessment Tool

      Use this Lifestyle Assessment tool to take a look at areas of your life you may want to focus on to regain balance in your life experience.

  • Nutrition vs. Drugs for Cholesterol

    Dr. Chappell discusses using nutrition vs. drugs for cholesterol problems maintaining effectiveness, reducing cost, and eliminating side effects.

  • Berries in Your Diet Help Your Brain, Aging, and Overall Health

    Antioxidants from berries in your diet restore the natural scavenging ability of the microglia in the brain reducing age related mental decline and overall brain function. The focus is on being more proactive and preventing disease as opposed to our present model of reactively waiting until the body breaks down and then trying to fix…

  • Causes of ADHD-like symptoms (from S.A.N.T.A.- Stimulants Are Not The Answer)   Identifying the underlying problems triggering ADHD-like behavior. · emotional problems · educational problems · lifestyle problems · nutritional problems · prescription drugs · drugs taken recreationally (including prescription drugs) · medical problems   Emotional problems The range of emotional problems that can produce ADHD-like behavior is vast but often overlooked. For instance, infant…

  • Children with ADHD vs. Chiropractic Perspective and Theory; Part 2

    (Reprinted from the August 2002 issue of the Journal of the American Chiropractic Association) By Nataliya V. Schetchikova, PhD ADHD and Diet While clinical evidence and small studies suggest that neurological and chiropractic treatment and optometric training may be effective in treating patients with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities by providing the…

  • Children with ADHD Medical vs. Chiropractic Perspective and Theory; Part 1

    (Rreprinted from the July 2002 issue of the Journal of the American Chiropractic Association)   By Nataliya V. Schetchikova, PhD   Drug abuse is a horrifying subject for many American parents. But it has a special meaning for the parents of about 8 million children who are labeled with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD.…

  • Nerves and Nutrition: Alternative Strategies for Dealing with ADD/ADHD

    Dr. Greg and Lyn Chappell   Concern is growing around the escalating use of psycho stimulant drugs for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This is particularly true in Michigan as it ranks as one of the highest in the nation in Ritalin usage. Doris Rapp,M.D., author of “Is This Your…

  • Is Your Child Troubled or Gifted?

    IS YOUR CHILD TROUBLED OR GIFTED? Dr. Greg and Lyn Chappell Many of us are aware of the dangerous side effects and addictive qualities of Ritalin. Yet, every day, over a million and a half kids, labeled as A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. will line up for their midday dose. Why are 5-8% of our school age…