Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • A Comparative Study of Children’s Health in Chiropractic vs. Medical Households

    In a random survey, 200 pediatricians and 200 chiropractors were selected and surveyed to determine what, if any, differences were between the health of the doctors’ children raised under different healthcare models. Survey analysis revealed that the chiropractic children had fewer ear infections compared to the medical children (20% vs. 69%), fewer allergies, less tonsillitis,…

  • Backpack Safety

    Overloaded backpacks pose painful burden For many students the expression “carrying a heavy load” has taken on new meaning – one that could lead to permanent spinal column damage. The problem, according to Dr. Greg Chappell of Northern Michigan Health in Acme, MI and Dr. Marvin T. Arnsdorff, co-founder of the Charleston, SC-based Backpack Safety…

  • A Healthy Start for a Healthy Future

    A seedling needs good soil, water, sunlight, and nutrients to grow a healthy plant. Likewise, your child needs good nutrition, water, air, love, elimination/reduction of toxic elements, and an uninterrupted flow of nerve signals, to name a few, for healthy growth and development. A baby is a vast bundle of neurons representing a potential of…

  • Chiropractic Management of 47 Asthma Cases

      Chiropractic Management Of 47 Asthma Cases By William C. Amalu, D.C.   Each day, 14 Americans die from asthma.  It is the only chronic disease, besides AIDS and tuberculosis, with an increasing death rate.  Since 1979, asthma death rates have increased 58 percent overall. The death rate among patients 19 years and younger has…

  • Resources for a Healthy Pregnancy, Birth and Baby

    Local Resources:  Midwives Robin Lavis, CM (231) 264-9144 Birthways Midwifery, Inc. Geraldine Simkins, CNM (231) 228-585 Peg Dunn, CNM (231) 941-5568 Dance of Life Midwifery Services Kathi Mulder, CPM (231) 929-3563   Doulas Karen Griggs, Doula (231) 409-2896 Samantha Tengelitsch, Doula (231) 943-4054 Blessings of the Womb Robin Lavis, CM (231) 264-9144 Aware Beginnings Doula…

  • Pregnancy and the Chiropractic Advantage

    EXCERPTS FROM: PREGNANCY AND THE CHIROPRACTIC ADVANTAGE BY STEVE TROYANOVICH, D.C. A situation in which (1) the medical community is improperly informed about the benefits of chiropractic care and (2) there exists a lack of communication between the members of organized medicine and the chiropractic profession has resulted in a diminished quality of health care…

  • Midwifery Facts

    From: The Wellness Report Sponsored by the Michigan Chiropractic Council “Unfortunately, the role of obstetrics has never been to help women give birth. There is a big difference between the medical discipline we call ‘obstetrics’ and something completely different, the art of midwifery. If we want to find safe alternatives to obstetrics, we must rediscover…

  • Complications of Spinal Changes During Pregnancy

    Pregnancy results in considerable compensations in biomechanics and structure of the spine. During pregnancy the thoracic (mid-back), lumbar (low back), and whole pelvic structure undergo changes in preparation for the subsequent delivery. Loosening of the usually firm joints under hormonal influence leads to changes in posture, weight bearing, degree of spinal curvature, and dynamics of…

  • Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy for Safer, Easier Births

    By: Jeanne Ohm, D.C. Originally Printed in: I.C.P.A. Newsletter May/June 2001 Chiropractic care is essential for the pregnant mother. Her systems and organs are now providing for two and their optimal function is critical for the baby’s healthy development. The mother’s spine and pelvis undergoes many changes and adaptations to compensate for the growing baby…

  • Breastfeeding

    From: The Wellness Report Sponsored by the Michigan Chiropractic Council The Miracle of Mother’s Milk In the past 20 years, researchers have been examining the unique and complex features of breast milk in an effort to determine why it is so superior to cow’s milk and infant formulas. The composition of human milk, like that…

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